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Friday, February 25, 2011

Tea for Two..

We've been home for a week and busier than ever it seems.
Checking in with friends, doctors, Gram, skiing, swimming and more. This past week has been cold and I broke down and joined the Y to help keep my running on the move. Sophia and Jeff have been loving it too. The location that we go to has a pretty nice pool set up so it works out perfect that they swim while I run or like today when it was an awful mess outside, we were able to get a bit of moving it to our day.
After our swim today, the lunch request was in Grilled PB & J. There is something about PB & J that makes me smile and for us its a treat lunch and doesn't happen often, so like everything, I have to spice it up a bit. Cookie cut the bread (today was cat shaped), butter it up toast each side and add homemade PB and Peach Jelly pop it back in the pan to get it all gooey and melty...
A while back a friend of mine was inquirung about lunches for toddlers. For me lunch is mostly 1 of 2 things a salad or left overs, and it kind of is the same thing with Phi. I always try to keep it balanced though, so along with Grilled PB & J's we had peas, and yougart and just a few salty kettle chips (I have passed on my salt lick need)
I also was very strict with Sophia's diet for the first 2 years and it has paid off she doesn't crave or ask for the standar kiddie foods so it makes it easy. She will eat what ever we eat and I don't have to make any exceptions. I kind of feel that picky eaters are made. One thing I have caved on is tea. I have fond memories of having tea with buttered saltines with my mom after school watching General Hospital. I found these just for kid teas so she can enjoy it with me minus the GH.
Sophia also loves soup, pasta and peas or rice and peas, cheese quesdialla's, fruit and veggie plates, and hummus wraps for lunch what do you do for lunch at your house?
Oh check these out laptoplunches

. They are an update of the asian Bento Box and seem like the perfect lunch accessory. I have to get the family each one, they'll be great on picnics this summer. We've always been picnic people but I have a new beautiful picnic basket that my step mom gave me and I am just chewing wood to use it. So I am sure they'll some posts about that as the weather breaks.

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