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Saturday, September 18, 2010

A small bit of the 5 bushels of apples we picked last year, we'll be headed out in about 2 weeks for this years stock pile.

I am lucky to live in an area where every season is wonderful in its own way. But for me nothing beats our Falls. Cider mills, unlimited varieties of squash, apple picking, hot caramel ciders, fire places on to get the chill out but not warm the house, crunchy leaves, animals out collecting their own harvest for the winter, Pumpkins, pies, soups, long sleeves no jackets, fun boots, windows open in the car, sun roof open and the heat on!!!! Many more blissful thoughts but it would cover the whole post.
So when I woke this morning to the stinging chill that fall can bring over night I loved every minute of it.
Jeff had to be home with "the cable guy" so I headed out to pick up our farm share. Oh how I love that ride and can understand why people live "in the country". There is just something about rolling green hills, corn fields, cows mooooooing, berry patches, old farm houses, ponds, road side stands and the list could go on.
Every time I take a drive like that I am reminded of why I am working... Someday we'll be in a great big ol'home in which I can cook and visit as the owner of a bed and breakfast and Jeff can putter around and complete the honey do now list....
I always get so much joy out of bringing it all home and laying it out, washing and prepping it, and just marveling in it all.
Brings me to a clear peaceful head space (which lately doesn't happen much).

Our farm was offering the last of the peaches at a really cheap price so I scooped up a dozen and decided peach cobbler for breakfast.....Yes that's right, Jeff said the same thing for breakfast and my reply, well, yeah, its part pancake, oatmeal, and fruit all rolled into 1 pan of oooey goooey yumminess!
(I had posted another cobbler recipe a while back but here's my
breakfast take on Peach Cobbler:
Enough ripe peaches (I have tried this with apples and it is as yummy) to fill an 8x8 baking pan or the like
2Tb light brown sugar
1/4 lime
1 cup of oats
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/4 flour
about an 1/8 of clove
A few good passes of grated nutmeg
1/2-1 t of good cinnamon
Butter and Flax oil

Cut the peaches, I like a good rustic dice, toss in the lime juice and coat with brown sugar, I tossed in about 1 t of corn starch just to help give me a nice think sauce. Mix all the dry ingredients, cut in butter about 1/2 to a whole stick depending on your own liking of butter (I use the real thing here, sorry).
Now for me at this point I wrapped it up and put it in the fridge, when I am ready to wake every one up, it will go in the oven tomorrow to scent the house about 15-20 minutes at 375. (I will drizzle a little flax oil over it before putting it in the oven.

For the rest of the week, I actually don't have anything planned as far as food, that will get done tomorrow. A CSA fridge clean out soup for sure, a loaded bowl and Paninni for sure
So enjoy a warm cup of coffee and a book, and keep your belly happy...

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