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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer To Do List

I have so many boxes ro check off this summer, how about you?
1. Spend more time daily with God... SO often it's on the list but is saved till the end of the night. That needs to change.
2. Not make plans- hmm that seems odd on a to do list but this summer, I'm living more in the moment and not on the calendar.
3. More time at home- that reflects the above. Trying not to be running around everyday.
4. Train- I have a few runs in store for the summer and fall, so I'll need to keep up the work I started in January. More on running later.
5. Box- yep, Box. I have always wanted to take some self defense excerise type course and This lines up pretty good with my goal of developing my arms, so it just seems to fit.
6. Purge- Really I don'y need all this stuff anyway!
7. Last 10 lbs, enough said on that!
8. Love more- I need to keep working on knocking down some big walls.
9. Read more for fun- hopeing the the due date at the library helps me see to this one! got any good recs?
10. School- summer is a MUCH needed break, but my class is going to look very different next year and I need to scratch out time to help that go smoothly.
11. Put up for the winter- I really want to get about double the veggies and fruits put up this year. It was just lovely to make sauce in January from farm fresh tomatoes or share juicy peaches over homemade granola in February. I'll be at the market a lot.
I really just want to approach this Summer in such a different light then I have in years past. The list is simple and somewhat typical but hopefully it just helps to ground me a bit more.

2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV For we walk by faith, not by sight.


  1. What a great summer list. I have a few of the same things on my list. I'm looking forward to hearing more about training (and maybe some recipe ideas to go w/ it?). As for the farmers market - you guys would love the bidwell market! Let me know and we can meet at my house and walk down together! We go just about every Sat. am.

  2. Main goal was to simplify, feels a bit odd to just be still but certianly getting used to it for sure. I've hear about the Bidwell one, meeting up sounds great.

  3. SOunds like you have a good perspective on things and a great plan for the summer!:) Just make sure to add me in somewhere, we love getting to see you!!:)

