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Monday, August 30, 2010

Void that needs filling...

So for the past week its been nothing but prep around this house of mine. All in order to get ready for what's to come.
School that is, yep its back to it for us.
Sophia is officially potty trained. She only wear pull ups ("Sleeping panties") at night and is wearing "Big Girl Panties all the time now. She is getting used to asking other adults to use the potty and is pulling over her step stool to go almost completely on her own (wipe). Yay! Great job little one and I must say it wasn't that bad, her sense of humor got in the way sometimes like when she would have and accident and look at me and say "Again! Momma, I just too busy so I pee on the floor" which I respond, "REALLY!"
Fall, I've been canning up a storm here and the boiled and burnt pages of my 30 something year old Good Housekeeping cook book can prove it. Putting up beans, corn, berries, tomatoes and peaches anything just to have this wonderful veggie love in the middle of the winter! It really is so easy to do, a bit of prep but trust me sooooo worth it.
Over the next few weeks I'll start making bigger batches of dinners too, this way I can freeze them for crazy busy work nights. I try to double about 4 meals a week in September and October which helps so much come November through January.
Bedtime, not just for the little one, but us too which means DVR has been in use a bit more too. We are so not a TV family but go figure our 2 or 3 guilty TV pleasure shows are all on at like 10pm, not happening anymore.
Me I am in such an emotional overload moment that I have this odd void hanging around. This what if feeling always creeps in around this time of year but I feel it more so this year. I would pretty much have to say it has all to do with a variety of happenings that are very personal but pretty much can be summed up in this
There's been lots of praying over here. And I know it is just a matter of fully trusting God and that he fully in control of my life and everyone else. That's always been a strong issue for me Control and trust.
Dear Father,
Allow me to be open and raw, let me breathe in your spirit and be filled with what you know I need. Give me the strength to be quiet and whole. Let me be your reflection and use me to show your mercy. Soften my heart and mold it to your will.
Use these moments of fear and sorrow to return life to others who need it more then me. Wrap your arms around those that need to be healed, save those that have fallen or have not yet seen your glory and grace. Carry us now as you have always carried us in past moments.
In the most precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen...

So all of that above is stewing in me and I am working through it.
I love how God brings us closer to those we pray for, so What's going on in your world and how can I pray for you?

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